Coauthor of My Cancer is Me and Shakti Leadership, founder director of Shakti Fellowship, co-convener Truth&ReconciliationWork and ShaktiKumbh.
When I shared with Nilima, my mentor, about the struggling, feelings and emotional impact I have had regarding my divorce, her answer was an invitation to – finally- launch this project: Patriarchy Unplugged.
This project evokes Candid and Crucial Conversations to Restore Gender Relations with the Healing Power of the Feminine Force.
The ShaktiCast is a production created by Nilima Bhat and me, Elisa Rosenthal.
I am graduated in the first cohort of Shakti Fellowship, writer and founder of the first female Instituto in the Brazilian real estate market, with more than 1.200 women.
The professor and archeologist Almudena Hermando said once: “the more undervalued are relations and emotions in social discourse, the more patriarchal the society is”
Nilima, the mental health crises after pandemic is a reality and women are the highest impacted specially due to our multiple roles, invisibility and non remunerated routine.
How to balance and embrace the feminine and masculine energies and rescue our women and society?
What makes us believe that it is time to hospice patriarchy and midwife synarchy?
How can we be a part of it? And what’s the role of men during it?
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